Saturday, March 14, 2009

உயர்நீதிமன்றத்திற்கு எல்லா வழக்கறிஞர் தனித்தனியே எழுதிய கடிதம்

14th March 2009

The Registrar General,

High Court,



Ref: Notification No. 48 of 2009


I have written to the parties for whom I have filed vakalats in the High Court, returning their brief and asking them to make alternative arrangements for their appearance, for the reason that it is not possible for me to continue to appear in Courts as the safety of Lawyers and Judges inside the Courts in Tamil Nadu is under threat.

I request you to not to print my name in the cause list henceforth.

You are, therefore, requested to send notices directly to the parties concerned before listing matters for hearing before the Court.

Yours faithfully,


  1. Why should we bother about the safety of Judges hereafter.....

  2. From time immemorial, courts have been custodians of liberties, which are priceless.

    The outrageous carnage enacted last month has thrown a serious challenge not only us but also to the very custodians of our liberties. It is high treason to assault officers of the institution, and the response has to be as quick and efficient as a surgical emergency to remove cancerous growths.

    The Letters Patent (28 and 29 Vic., c 15) for the High Court of Judicature for the Presidency of Madras is dated 28th December 1865. The Old Bailey punishment for such treason was nothing less than the guilty being hanged, drawn and quartered. Such is the power and glory of a chartered court. Our chartered High Court, must try those guilty of the carnage and award the highest possible punishment, to redeem its role as a custodian. We may only hope that the trauma of the atrocity is felt by all, regardless of whether they personally tasted lathi blows on their heads, and the culprits are dealt with promptly in accordance with law.

