Saturday, February 28, 2009

Call to observe 27th February 2009 as a black day by the Bar Council of India-circular issued by the SCBA

Scba/Gen./01/08-09/2048 26.02.2009


1. The Bar Council of India has given a call to observe Friday, the
27th February 2009 as "Black Day'/Protest Day" to condemn the attack
on the Judiciary in Tamil Nadu in view of the brutal attack and
atrocity by the police on 19th February, 2009 in beating judges,
rampaging judges chambers, court rooms, vehicles and attacking members
of the Bar, Court Staffs, Reporters in the Madras High Court premises.
There has been a lot of suffering by large number of members of the
bar who are admitted in hospitals and properties belonging to the
members of the bar as well as the High Court have been damaged.

2. The Supreme Court Bar Association strongly condemns this dastardly
attack and has decided to make an application for impleadment in the
pending proceedings before the Hon'ble Supreme Court to show their
solidarity and brotherhood with the members of the Bar in Tamil Nadu
who have suffered so much and to prevent in future such happenings and
to punish the guilty persons as well as to immediately suspends
persons who by their acts of commission and omissions allowed this to
happen. Mr. Pravin H. Parekh, President and Mr. K.C. Kaushik, Hony.
Secretary appeared before the Hon'ble Supreme Court seeking justice.

3. The Supreme Court Bar Association requests all its members to
observe Friday, the February 2009 as a "Black Day'/Protest Day" and to
wear white band on their gowns while appearing in the Court on Friday,
the 27th February 2009. White bands will be given to the members of
the Bar from 9.30 a.m. on 27th February 2009 in Library No.1.

4. I request all the Hon'ble Members to cooperate.

Hony. Secretary

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